Public Speaking & media coaching

Been doing a bit of one-on-one public speaking and media coaching this month 🎤

Thought I’d share a few tips…

👍 Start preparing with your intentions. Key thing here is to tie your desired impression to your personal brand. Ask yourself: how do you want to be remembered, what do you want the audience to feel and what’s the one take home message you need to impart. Start here and it’ll help get the right info into your speech and the right energy into your body language.

🎥 When presenting on camera remember it’s a medium that’s generally viewed individually, so present like you’re talking to one person. Develop an intimacy and comfort by imagining it’s a one-on-one chat with someone who needs to hear your message.

📖 When explaining complex things or lots of information it’s good to use narratives and storytelling tools that audiences are already aware of. Use structures with a beginning, middle and end and share character journeys, analogies and human stories to help transfer information better.

These are just three tips, hopefully it’s a little bit of help. And if you’re after this sort of coaching please don’t hesitate to reach out.