RAW Comedy NT
I'm incredibly proud of comedy in the NT. It keeps growing and improving and producing insanely good talent and it's a joy to be part of it.
This year I once again produced and managed the Melbourne International Comedy Festival RAW Comedy heats and final in the NT. I do this on behalf of MICF to ensure Darwin comedians have a well run, supportive and well attended RAW experience. I'm very proud that it also means we've been able to hold heats in the Top End and improve the quality of our comedy delivery with workshops and additional support for new acts.
This year we had 25 contestants, the most of any year. We had 140 people attend the heats and a sold out crowd of 600 at the Territory Final at the Darwin Entertainment Centre. But most importantly we had the highest quality final in this history of RAW in Darwin. The standard is so high and my hats off to everyone that made the final - special mention of course to Kelly Gulliver our NT winner who heads to Melbourne in April for the national final.
As the producer/manager of RAW in the NT I coordinate with numerous stakeholders, liaise and support the acts, market and produce the heats and final and stage manage at the Entertainment Centre. It's a big job but the results for comedy in the NT make it all worth it.
Here's to the rest of 2020 with all these funny legends.