Territory Day Social Media
Pretty stoked I get to use my Territory Pride to help promote Territory Day this year. Amiable Communications has been contracted to run the Territory Day social media channels in the lead up to July 1.
The focus this year is on 'Territorians doing it better' and the positive stories of people that call the NT home.
I'm really looking forward to the free events happening around the NT for Territory Day and encourage you all to go along and join in the fun.
Territory Day Event Details
Darwin @ Mindil Beach with Hot Dub Time Machine, Tex Perkins, RachelRachel, Phoebe Wear and Max + Jack Fredericks
Katherine @ The Show Grounds with Electric Fields, Serina Pech, Birdz and Cockatoo Dancers
Tennant Creek @ The Show Grounds with the Barkly Big Deal Band and Warren H Williams
Alice Springs @ ANZAC Oval with Wolfpack Amadeus, Dave Crowe Duo and Casii Williams
More info at www.territoryday.nt.gov.au