South East Asia Survey Congress


I was very proud to facilitate and MC the 15th South East Asia Survey Congress in Darwin. The event took place over 4 days at the Darwin Convention Centre and included over 350 delegates from 20 countries.

It was great to be involved in the industry discussions and meet so many new people. The highlight for me was running workshops for the Young Professionals on the opening day. I ran several sessions including Capability Boosts for Soft Skills and reflection activities aimed at getting the future leaders of the Surveying and Spatial Sciences fields to look for opportunities and threats in their industry.

One of the key messages from my workshops was that you can learn and hone your soft skills with proactive practise and seeking activities to challenge yourself. And that it's important for future leaders to be as comfortable with their soft skills as their technical skills.

The top 6 soft skills we looked at were:

  • Communication

  • Ability to Influence + Inspire

  • Building Teams + Foster Collaboration

  • Agility and improvisation

  • Growth Mindset

  • Strong Sense of Self Awareness

These are the skills future leaders will need to navigate and I had a lot of fun sharing activities and tips for the Young Professionals to test their aptitude.

Thanks to Agentur for booking me for this conference. And all the best to everyone from SEASC2019
