Terminally Positive Tour
Amiable Communications has a lot of different hats. But one thing underpins a lot of the work we do and that's fun. Probably because Amiable Communications owner is comedian Amy Hetherington.As one of the more 'fun' projects Amiable Communications has worked on, this year Amy Hetherington went on her solo national comedy tour. Independently booked, coordinated, marketed and developed the tour and show 'Terminally Positive' ended up being a massive success for a debut comedy show and tour experience. This has been a massive project and it has meant that Amiable Communications has been a bit quiet - but it was well worth it.Here are some of the details:
Darwin comedian Amy Hetherington embarked on her first ever National Tour with her debut solo show Terminally Positive.
Amy was booked for shows at Perth Fringe Festival, Nannup Music Festival, Adelaide Fringe Festival, in regional WA and at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival.
The predicted audience numbers to Amy's uniquely Territory comedy styling are estimated at over 3000 and she generated income to pay her artist fees through performance fees and ticket sales (512 tickets were purchased).
Amy has returned to Darwin and is using the skills she has learnt to run comedy workshops, develop the NT comedy scene and also run a new comedy venue at the 2017 Darwin Fringe Festival.
Here are some of the reviews of Terminally Positive
Adelaide Advertiser Amy Hetherington is Terminally Positive
YOU like Amy Hetherington the moment she enters the room. The Darwin local is debuting her first solo show at the Adelaide Fringe and labels it “50 minutes of yay life”... Lighthearted and witty, Amy’s storytelling is on point. Check her out for a positively funny time.
The first thing you need to know about Amy Hetherington is that she’s possibly the happiest person you could come across. Spend an hour in her company and you’ll come away feeling like you’ve been injected with a ray of sunshine itself. Coming to us from Darwin, Hetherington’s humour is one of a kind; she uses her experiences of being up north and co-existing with a vast variety of characters and personalities to brilliant effect. You don’t feel like you’re watching a comedian running over the same bit they’re likely to do at countless comedy festivals; with Hetherington, you’re listening to a mate regale you with crazy tales about her family, the NT wildlife and previous experiences she’s had on the comic road. There’s no surprise that Hetherington’s brand of stand up has won acclaim at the Darwin Festival, the 2015 RAW Comedy finalist has an effortless charm and demeanour about her person that makes her easy to be in the same company. A bright potential that has much goodness ahead yet – the future is bright, lucky Hetherington has the personality to match.
Her definite strength in comedy is her crowd work, where all her audience volunteers work diligently for her act – in being so relaxed they are funny themselves! Hetherington interacts with some like they are family (well, some were!) Her laid-back honesty is a breath of fresh air in a world of narcissistic entertainers. This natural presenter has a sunny disposition that you can tell just by looking at her. However, she does break this down by spreading the love – in having a part where she gets a couple to give answers to a series of questions and see if they match. Hetherington controls the outcome by having answers by use of the same bunch of picture cards. This was successfully achieved and was a highlight of this kind-hearted show. Amy Hetherington is Terminally Positive is night out for those who want their fun less cynical.
Darwin’s Amy Hetherington has an awesome infectious energy on stage; she’s a delight to watch. Her show is called Terminally Positive, and he has plenty to be positive about. In only a couple of years of doing comedy she has already reached the Raw Comedy National Final and supported Jimeon and Steve-O from Jackass. After already selling out shows at the Perth Fringe, Adelaide Fringe and Darwin Festival, Amy will be wrapping up her tour at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival. She is particularly proud of this show cause her Nana didn’t walk out. “She survived watching it and still loves me so I like to think it’s not too rude or controversial’.
It's no secret that the Northern Territory is Australia's Florida, in that that's where we hide all our crazy. So if ever there were the perfect environment to breed a shithot stand-up comedian, it's there. From all the way up in the top-end comes Amy Hetherington and her precarious balance of infectious optimism and tales of Darwin's batshit insanity. A mixture of cheekiness and cheeriness. A little bit Celia Pacquola-ish. Very good.